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Available Now from Routledge
Leadership at the Spiritual Edge: Emerging and Non-Western Concepts of Leadership and Spirituality
In Dr. Guenther’s chapter, Enacting Leadership from a Place of Oneness, Stacey invites us to reimagine leadership if it emanated from Oneness and its focus was on creating a space for the magic of interbeing and oneness to happen instead of focusing on power, hierarchy, and efficiency. In lieu of highlighting the person of the leader, we must instead celebrate the collective and structure our social systems to share leadership and have power with instead of power over (Follett, 1995). Leadership from a place of oneness could completely shift the way that we work and interact with each other.

Published December 2022 by Journal of Awareness-based Systems Change
From Me to We: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Group Coherence
While many empirical studies of groups focus on group performance, productivity, and effectiveness, or group “doingness,” this paper introduces a recent study that explored group “beingness” and the experience of manifesting deep union and oneness, an intersubjective phenomenon called coherence.

Published in 2023 by Information Age Publishing
The Intersubjectivity of Personhood and Leadership: I am Who I am, Because We are Who We are
In Chapter 2 of Exploring Personhood in Contemporary Times, a philosophical exploration what it means to be a person edited by Lemuel W. Watson, Dr. Guenther argues that being human is an intersubjective phenomenon. As such, she calls for leadership that is grounded in intersubjectivity. Included in the chapter are some suggested developmental practices.

Doctoral Dissertation Published 2022
From Me to We: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Group Beingness
To be human is to be a member of myriad groups. While most empirical studies of groups focus on group performance, or group doingness, this study explored group beingness and the experience of manifesting deep union and oneness, which is an intersubjective phenomenon that has been called coherence.

To be published in 2025 by Springer Nature as an Open-Access Book
Redefining Sacred Spaces in the Age of Technology: Innovations and Pitfalls
Edited by Xiaoan Li, Michelle Scheidt, and Stacey K. Guenther
In Dr. Guenther’s chapter, Reframing Groups: From Doingness to Beingness, she introduces a recent study that explored group beingness and the experience of manifesting deep union and oneness, an intersubjective phenomenon called coherence. She argues that approaching groups from their beingness instead of their doingness creates a space for spiritual development and increased sacredness.

Seeking a Publisher
Coherence: Cultivating Group Magic
In this book, I present coherence as the antidote to the separateness, loneliness, and burnout that is at epidemic level in the Western world. The book is presented in three parts. Part one is an overview of what coherence is and why it matters. In part two, I delve into my research on coherence. The third and final section is all about ways to open to and move toward coherence. I include practices, activities, and inspiration for how to be in groups in this age when groups often face polarization and divisiveness.
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